Revere’s Foundry & Copper Mill

This advertisement for Revere’s Foundry, measuring 2 1/2″ x 3 1/4″, appeared in a Boston newspaper called the Columbian Centinel on April 3, 1805. It contains a woodcut of a bell and cannon and reads as follows:
At their BELL and CANNON Foundry, at the
North Part of BOSTON,
At their BELL and CANNON Foundry, at the
North Part of BOSTON,
CAST BELLS of all sizes; every kind
of brass ORDNANCE, and every type of
Composition Work for SHIPS, &c., at the shortest notice;
Manufacture COPPER into SHEETS, BOLTS,
Malleable Copper.
They always keep, by them, every kind of
Copper Fastening for Ships. They have now on
hand, a number of Church and Ship Bells, of different
sizes; a large quantity of Sheathing Copper,
from 16 up to 30 ounce; Bolts, Spikes, Nails, &c.
of all sizes , which they warrant equal to English manufacture.
Cash and the highest price given for old
Copper and Brass. march 20