Events are funded in part through generous grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati, the Lowell Institute, Hub Town Tours, and the Revere Hotel.


View a calendar of 250th Anniversary events presented by the Revere House Museum and other organizations here!


Mix and Mingle with Rachel Revere

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

Chat with Paul’s wife, Rachel (portrayed by History At Play’s Judith Kalaora) as she roams throughout the site. You may come across her in the house, the garden, or relaxing […]


Patriot Fife & Drum

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

Enjoy a lively concert of 18th c. music. David Vose & Sue Walko provide fascinating insight into each selection they perform.


Meet Harriet, Daughter of Paul Revere

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

Diane Lent brings to life one of Paul Revere’s 16 children. Join her in reminiscing about her father’s dramatic life, the adventures of her many siblings, nieces and nephews, & […]
