Events are funded in part through generous grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati, the Lowell Institute, and the Revere Hotel.


Meet the Artist Behind the Reimagined Boston Massacre Illumination

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

“Meet the Artist Behind the Reimagined Boston Massacre Illumination” In 2021, the Paul Revere House commissioned local artist R.P. Hale to reimagine panels Paul Revere created 250 years ago for his illumination honoring the first anniversary of the Boston Massacre. The new panels were used to create a unique virtual event commemorating the dual anniversaries. […]

A Visit with Paul Revere

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

At 1:00, 1:45, 2:30 PM: Michael Lepage brings Boston’s favorite patriot vividly to life. Learn about the details of his Midnight Ride, his many children, and his work as a gold and silversmith. Included with the price of admission.

Mix and Mingle with Rachel Revere

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

11:00 AM – 3:00 PM: Chat with Paul’s wife, Rachel (portrayed by History At Play’s Judith Kalaora) as she roams throughout the site. You may come across her in the house, the garden, or relaxing in the courtyard if the weather is fine. Learn more about the dangerous missions her husband undertakes, the many children […]

Patriot Fife & Drum

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

Enjoy a lively concert of 18th century music. David Vose & Sue Walko provide fascinating insight into each selection they perform. Included with the price of admission.