Events are funded in part through generous grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati, the Lowell Institute, and the Revere Hotel.


Patriots v. Loyalists: Our First Civil War

We are delighted to co-sponsor this virtual event with the Concord Museum! Join us virtually on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm. Enjoy a virtual forum with historian H.W. Brands to discuss his new book Our First Civil War: Patriots and Loyalists in the American Revolution. Our First Civil War reminds us that before America could win […]

Guided Virtual Tour

Looking for activities to be done safely and warmly during February School Vacation Week? Join a Guided Virtual Tour of the Paul Revere House (aimed at families of all ages) from the comfort of your home. Extended families who live far apart or cannot visit us in person together might consider attending the same tour, […]

Guided Virtual Tour

Looking for activities to be done safely and warmly during February School Vacation Week? Join a Guided Virtual Tour of the Paul Revere House (aimed at families of all ages) from the comfort of your home. Extended families who live far apart or cannot visit us in person together might consider attending the same tour, […]

Meet the Artist Behind the Reimagined Boston Massacre Illumination

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

“Meet the Artist Behind the Reimagined Boston Massacre Illumination” In 2021, the Paul Revere House commissioned local artist R.P. Hale to reimagine panels Paul Revere created 250 years ago for his illumination honoring the first anniversary of the Boston Massacre. The new panels were used to create a unique virtual event commemorating the dual anniversaries. […]