Events are funded in part through generous grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati, the Lowell Institute, Hub Town Tours, and the Revere Hotel.


View a calendar of 250th Anniversary events presented by the Revere House Museum and other organizations here!


Hammered Dulcimer

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

Award-winning musician Dave Neiman plays jigs, reels, and Baroque and Renaissance tunes that Paul Revere and his family may have enjoyed.

A Certain Sloop Called the Liberty: Charles Townsend, John Hancock and the Boston Madeira Party

Old South Meeting House 310 Washington St, Boston, MA, United States

On June 10, 1768 the King's Commissioners of Customs seized John Hancock's sloop Liberty and its smuggled cargo of Madeira wine. Already agitated by the imposition of the hated Townshend Duties, Bostonians took to the streets. William Fowler Jr., Distinguished professor of History, Northeastern University, will describe how the Commissioners, fearing for their lives, fled […]

Patriot Fife and Drum

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

Enjoy a lively concert of music that accompanied colonists as they marched, danced, wooed their beloveds, and waged war. David Vose and Sue Walko provide fascinating insight into each selection they perform.

Paul Revere’s Sons of Liberty Bowl: An American Icon

Old South Meeting House 310 Washington St, Boston, MA, United States

American patriot Paul Revere is wrapped in the swirling mixture of myth and poetry through which history often descends, but as a craftsman he left behind more tangible traces as well. Gerald W.R. Ward, Senior Curator of American Decorative Arts and Sculpture, Emeritus, at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, will relate the story behind Revere's […]