Events are funded in part through generous grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati, the Lowell Institute, and the Revere Hotel.


Meet the Artist who Reimagined the Boston Massacre Illumination

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

In 2021 R.P. Hale reimagined the panels Paul Revere created 250 years before for his illumination honoring the first anniversary of the Boston Massacre. Join Hale for a meet-the-artist event showcasing the artwork and his artistic process from research to concept to execution. (Rescheduled from March 2023!)


Meet Dr. Joseph Warren

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

Chat with one of the best-loved and most articulate members of the Sons of Liberty - and the head of an elaborate intelligence network - as portrayed by Michael Lepage. This event will be held at 1:00, 1:45, and 2:00.


Colonial Dance Tunes and Love Songs

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

In the guise of itinerant musicians, Al Petty & Deirdre Sweeney perform popular 18th-century tunes such as “Mr. Isaac’s Maggot” and “Jack’s Health” on the penny whistle, flute, fife, & other instruments.


Patriot Fife and Drum

The Paul Revere House 19 N Square, Boston, MA

Enjoy a lively concert of music that accompanied colonists as they marched, danced, wooed their beloveds, and waged war. David Vose and Sue Walko provide fascinating insight into each selection they perform.
