Other Ways to Give
In addition to cash contributions and membership, there are other ways you can help the Association achieve its mission and ensure its long-term health.

An unrestricted bequest is a simple way to make a contribution that will have lasting impact and support our most urgent needs. Unrestricted bequests of all sizes are welcome. With large bequests ($100,000 and up), the Association will work with you to create a permanent legacy for the donor.

Gifts of Securities or Property
Appreciated securities, whether designated for the endowment, operating expenses, or special projects, can be transferred directly to provide immediate benefits. Property or artifacts that are not suitable for our collection or use can also be donated, with the understanding that they will be sold to benefit the Association.

Gifts to the Collection
With the approval of the Collections Committee, we regularly accept gifts of Revere-related artifacts, manuscripts, and art that advance our mission and conform to our collecting priorities. If you have an item that you are considering donating please contact: Edith Steblecki, Curator. She will be able to help assess whether the item would be an appropriate addition. Some of our favorite recent gifts include: colorful postcard images of the “Midnight Ride,” Revere silver, the keys to the Revere Copper Company office in Boston, field glasses used during the Civil War by Colonel Paul Joseph Revere, and this wonderful sewing table with a history of ownership by Rachel Revere.