Paul Revere House Kicks Off “Midnight Rider” Campaign to Complete Expansion
Matt Conti | September, 2015 | northendwaterfront.com
It’s shaping up to be another record attendance year at the Paul Revere House, making its latest expansion efforts all the more timely! The most famous home in Boston’s North End will soon be joined by the opening of a 3,600 sq-ft Education & Visitor Orientation Center in an abutting 1835 building that is being fully restored. Fundraising is nearly complete entering the “topping off” stage as part of $4 million multi-year effort. As part of that effort, the PRH has launched a new program to raise $10,000 through a social-media based “Midnight Rider” campaign.
Executive Director Nina Zannieri overlooking the Paul Revere House “This is really a once in a lifetime opportunity for an institution that has a huge number of visitors, 250 thousand a year,” said Nina Zannieri, Executive Director of the Paul Revere House Memorial Association since 1986. “For the first time the Association is going to have the kind of visitor and program space that a worldclass historic site like the Paul Revere House has long needed.”
The expansion will add much-needed exhibition and program space, visitor amenities and will make the destination handicapped accessible. The new building will increase dedicated program space by 400% and facilitate the introduction of new technologies and new interactive programs. Importantly, the new facility will have visitor restrooms, sorely lacking along the Freedom Trail. A renovated courtyard will also bring more outdoor programming space among pear trees and new garden beds. If all goes to plan, the grand opening of the visitor center is expected sometime in 2016.
By leveraging the world of social media, the Paul Revere House has partnered with Affectly.com to raise $10,000. Gifts in the $100-$3,000 range will be matched by a private donor.
“For us, we’re very close to our goal and this is an opportunity to say to everyone help us finish strong,” said Zannieri. “We’re hoping that people will help us get the word out by becoming midnight riders and also make a donation.” To learn how to make a donation or sign up to be a midnight rider, visit www.affectly.com/midnightrider. We stopped by the Paul Revere House to snap some pictures of the ongoing construction effort. The house remains open to visitors during the expansion efforts. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge the photos.