Spring Events at the Paul Revere House and Our New Education and Visitor Center
Unless otherwise noted, events are free with museum admission: adults $5.00, seniors and college students $4.50, children ages 5–17 $1.00. Members and North End residents admitted free at all times. Through April 14 the Revere House is open 9:30–4:15. Beginning April 15, the site is open daily 9:30-5:15. Closed on Mondays in January, February, and March.
Spring School Vacation Programs
A Visit with Paul Revere Saturday, April 14; 1:00-3:00
David Connor brings Boston’s favorite patriot vividly to life. Ask him about the details of his midnight ride, inquire about his 16 children, or engage him in conversation about his activities as a member of the Sons of Liberty.
Meet Harriet, Daughter of Paul Revere Tuesday, April 17; 1:00, 1:45, 2:30
Diane Lent brings to life Harriet Revere, one of Paul Revere’s 16 children. Join her in reminiscing about her father’s dramatic life, the adventures of her many siblings, nieces, and nephews, and growing up in the historic North End.
“Postals for Your Collection” Wednesday, April 18; 1:00-3:00 & Thursday, April 19; 10:30-12:30
In honor of the 110th anniversary of the Paul Revere House opening as a museum, stop by our drop-in station to check out examples of vintage postcards sent by tourists in the 19th and 20th centuries; some postcards in our collection feature the Revere House, others showcase our North End neighborhood. Practice your quill pen writing skills and make a postcard of your own to send from the Revere House!
This program is included with admission to the house and reservations are NOT required.
Midnight Ride Storytelling Program Friday, April 20; 10:30–12:00
Find out what really happened on Paul Revere’s ride! Separate the facts from the myths, then retrace Revere’s route from his home to the banks of the Charles River. Participants don hats and carry props as they go, taking on the roles of Paul and Rachel Revere, their children, British soldiers, rowers, John Hancock and Samuel Adams. Particularly appropriate for kids in grades K-4. Reservations are required and may be made by calling 617-523-2338. $6.00 for each adult and child age 5 and up.
Patriot Fife and Drum Saturday, April 21; 1:00-3:00
Enjoy a lively concert of music that accompanied colonists as they marched, danced, wooed their beloveds, and waged war. David Vose and Sue Walko provide fascinating insight into each selection they perform.
Paul Revere’s Boston May Events
Colonial Weaving Demonstration Saturday, May 5; 1:00-3:00
Talented craftspeople, Fred & Zoe Lawson demonstrate the art of creating cloth by hand and simple machines. Practice weaving on the small looms provided.
200th Anniversary of Paul Revere’s Death Thursday, May 10
11:00 Wreath laying ceremony and reflections at the Granary Burying Ground on Tremont Street.
12:00 Tolling of Revere Bell at Kings Chapel (other Revere associated bells invited to toll as well.)
2:30-4:00 Historical talks reflecting on Paul Revere’s life presented by museum staff at the Paul Revere House.
Gilding Demonstration Saturday, May 12; 1:00-3:00
Watch professional gilder, Nancy Dick Atkinson, apply gossamer thin sheets of gold leaf to wooden ornaments just as craftsmen did in Revere’s era.
A Loyalist Perspective on the Revolution Saturday, May 19; 1:00, 1:45, 2:30
Hear a first-hand account of the abuses loyalists suffered at the hands of emboldened “patriots.” Michael Lepage takes on the role of Chief Justice Peter Oliver, brother of Andrew Oliver, a stamp collector.
Hammered Dulcimer Concert Saturday, May 26; 1:00-3:00
Award-winning musician Dave Neiman plays jigs, reels, and Baroque and Renaissance tunes that Paul Revere and his family may have enjoyed.