Summer 2017 Events
Each summer month at the Revere House offers a mix of 18th c music, colonial trades and stories of real people who lived in the time of Paul Revere. Come explore with your family, bring a friend to see our new Visitor Center, or enjoy a moment of the past by yourself. All events are included the price of admission: adults $5, seniors & college students $4.50, children 5-17 $1. Members and North End residents admitted free at all times
Saturday events explore aspects of everyday life in early Boston
6 Colonial Weaving Demonstration 1:00-3:00 Talented craftspeople, Fred & Zoe Lawson demonstrate the art of creating cloth by hand and simple machines. Practice weaving on the small looms provided.
10 Glass Harmonica Concert 1:00-3:00 Vera Meyer plays early American melodies on the intriguing instrument that Ben Franklin invented. The ethereal, haunting tones Meyer creates as she places her wet fingers on the rims of rotating glass bowls will mesmerize all who listen!
17 Hammered Dulcimer Concert 1:00-3:00 Award-winning musician Dave Neiman plays jigs, reels, and Baroque and Renaissance tunes that Paul Revere and his family may have enjoyed.
27 John Adams: The Colossus of Independence 1:00, 1:45, & 2:30 Hear from John Adams himself as he discusses his earliest beginnings in Braintree through his days as delegate of the Continental Congress and foreign ambassador. Hear his opinions of his contemporaries and how he longs to be home with his “dearest friend,” Abigail, and their children. Mr. Adams’ singular wit is appealing to children and adults!
1 Patriot Fife and Drum 1:00 – 3:00 Enjoy a lively concert of music that accompanied colonists as they marched, danced, wooed their beloveds, and waged war. David Vose and Sue Walko provide fascinating insight into each selection they perform.
8 Fife and Drum Concert by the Boston Alarm Company 1:00, 1:45, & 2:30 Treat yourself to a sprightly concert of fife and drum music! Dressed in civilian clothing reproduced from period originals, alarm company members play marches and beat out cadences used to warn citizens of impending attack.
15 Glass Harmonica Concert 1:00-3:00 Vera Meyer plays early American melodies on the intriguing instrument that Ben Franklin invented. The ethereal, haunting tones Meyer creates as she places her wet fingers on the rims of rotating glass bowls will mesmerize all who listen!
22 Colonial Basket Weaving 1:00-3:00 Rather than in plastic bags or cardboard boxes, colonists stored cheese, chickens, and candles in specially designed baskets. Fred Lawson weaves and sells reproductions copied from period originals.
29 The Tailor’s Craft 1:00-3:00 Clothing historian Henry Cooke takes on the role of an early Boston tailor. Watch as he “takes the measure” of visitors, then sits cross-legged, fashioning waistcoats from luxurious fabrics and “slops” from coarse weaves.
5 Hammered Dulcimer 1:00-3:00 Award-winning musician Dave Neiman plays jigs, reels, and Baroque and Renaissance tunes that Paul Revere and his family may have enjoyed.
12 Colonial Leather Working 1:00-3:00 Find out how colonial era leather workers fashioned scabbards, sword belts, and harnesses. Fred Lawson demonstrates and invites visitors to try their hands at punching holes and sewing leather.
19 Tinsmithing Demonstration 1:00-3:00 Who made the ubiquitous lanterns, sconces, and other tin wares of the 18th century? A tinker! Larry Leonard produces and sells examples of his craft while describing the techniques, tools, and materials used since the Reveres’ era.
26 A Revolution of Her Own! 1:00, 1:45, & 2:30 The captivating story of the first woman to fight in the American Military: in 1782, Deborah bound her chest, tied back her hair, and enlisted in the Continental Army. Experience her arduous upbringing, active combat, and success as the first female professional soldier (in part, due to the assistance of Paul Revere). Deborah’s passion takes you back in time! Length: 30 min.
Friday, June 30th A Visit with Paul Revere 1:00-3:00
David Connor brings Boston’s favorite patriot vividly to life. Ask him about the details of his midnight ride, inquire about his 16 children, or engage him in conversation about his activities as a member of the Sons of Liberty.
Monday, July 3rd Colonial Dance Tunes and Love Songs 1:00-3:00
In the guise of itinerant musicians, Al Petty & Deirdre Sweeney perform popular 18th-century tunes such as “Mr. Isaac’s Maggot” and “Jack’s Health” on the penny whistle, flute, fife, & other instruments.
THE REVERE HOUSE AT A GLANCE: On the Freedom Trail in Boston’s historic North End, the Revere House was home to patriot and silversmith Paul Revere from 1770 to 1800. Built around 1680, the Revere House is the oldest building in downtown Boston. For more information about the Revere House, visit
MUSEUM HOURS: Through April 14, the Revere House is open 9:30–4:15. From April 15 through October 31, the house is open daily 9:30–5:15. Closed on Mondays, January–March.